par chapeladmin | Déc 5, 2023
TOOLS: None GLASS: Martini glass INGREDIENTS: 1 generous splash of dry vermouth (Noilly Prat), 6 cl Dada Organic Dry Gin, grapefruit bitter, 1 scoop of crushed ice, ice cubes, 3 olives for garnish. INSTRUCTIONS: Pre-chill the martini glass with crushed ice. Fill the...
par chapeladmin | Nov 29, 2023
TOOLS: None GLASS: Long drink INGREDIENTS: 4 cl Dada Organic Dry Gin, 20 cl Neutral tonic, ice cubes. INSTRUCTIONS: Fill the glass with ice cubes. Serve the Dada Organic Dry Gin. Add the tonic.
par chapeladmin | Nov 29, 2023
TOOLS: Shaker GLASS: Long drink INGREDIENTS: 4 cl Dada Organic Dry Gin, 3 cl lemon juice, 1tsp powder sugar, crushed ice, ice cubes, club soda, 1 egg white , slice of lemon. INSTRUCTIONS: Pre-chill the glass with crushed ice. Add the gin, lemon juice, powder sugar...