par admin | Juil 19, 2024
TOOLS: Cocktail shaker GLASS: Martini Glass INGREDIENTS: 4 cl Espresso Brazil WAY Coffee Roasters, 4 cl Organic potato vodka Dada Chapel, 4 cl Coffee Liquor Dada Chapel INSTRUCTIONS: Put a martini glass in the fridge to chill, put the espresso, vodka, coffee...
par chapeladmin | Mar 12, 2024
TOOLS: Mixing glass GLASS: Old fashioned INGREDIENTS: Dada Chapel Patato Vodka, Sauvignon Blanc, Shizo INSTRUCTIONS: Add all ingredients in a mixing glass. Stir well everything together with ice cubes, then pour into a glass without the ice...
par chapeladmin | Nov 29, 2023
TOOLS: None GLASS: Tumbler INGREDIENTS: 4cl Dada Organic Potato Vodka, 15 cl ginger beer, 1 tsp lime juice, ice cubes. INSTRUCTIONS: Fill the tumbler with ice cubes. Serve the Organic Potato Vodka and add the lime juice. Fill the rest of the glass with ginger beer....
par chapeladmin | Nov 29, 2023
TOOLS: None GLASS: Long drink INGREDIENTS: 45 ml Potato Vodka, 25 ml lemon juice, 150 ml carrot juice, 2 dashes hot sauce. INSTRUCTIONS: Mix over ice into a long drink glass. Garnish with a lemon peel and a bay leaf. COCKTAIL BY: Timon...
par chapeladmin | Mai 12, 2022
TOOLS: Shaker, ice GLASS: Coupette INGREDIENTS: 50ml Dada Chapel potato vodka infused with fresh turmeric30ml fresh lime juice20ml sugarcane syrup5ml yellow chartreuse INSTRUCTIONS: Let the turmeric infuse in vodka overnight. Pour all ingredients in a...