Exchanges & Returns

If for some reason you want to return or exchange a Dada Chapel item, please email our customer support and tell us what happened: [email protected].

Returns and exchanges can only be accepted if the item is in brand new condition. Bottles should be sealed and without damage. 

Items eligible for a return or exchange must be returned within 14 days of delivery.

You must include your ORDER NUMBER in the return package for us to locate your order in our system. The order number is sent to you once the order is done. Check your email for our delivery confirmation. Customers are responsible for all shipping costs to our facility, unless your item is faulty or an eventual mistake has been made on our part. In that case, contact us via e-mail and we will cover the return expenses.

Please allow up to 10 business days for a return or exchange to be processed once it arrives at our facility. You will receive an e-mail from us when the return or exchange is processed.

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