par chapeladmin | Juil 16, 2021
TOOLS: None GLASS: Tumbler INGREDIENTS: 30ml Beet Brh*m, 20ml white vermouth, 20ml lime juice, 30ml bergamot juice, 30ml rhubarb syrup, 10ml beetroot juice, raspberry & bergamot espuma. INSTRUCTIONS: Shake all ingredients and serve. COCKTAIL BY: AUGUST...
par chapeladmin | Juil 1, 2021
TOOLS: Shaker GLASS: Coupette INGREDIENTS: 5cl Dada Chapel Beet Brh*m, 2.5cl Supasawa, 1.5cl Simple Syrup, 1 dash of The Bitter Truth Spiced Chocolate Bitters INSTRUCTIONS: Shake, strain into a chilled coupette and garnish with a dried orange slice. COCKTAIL BY:...
par chapeladmin | Juin 24, 2021
TOOLS: Ice Cubes GLASS: Old Fashioned INGREDIENTS: 5cl Beet Brh*m, 2cl coffee liqueur, 1 tablespoon cream. INSTRUCTIONS: Pour coffee liqueur and Beet Brh*m into an Old Fashioned glass filled with ice. Float fresh cream on top and stir slowly. COCKTAIL BY: STEEN...
par chapeladmin | Mai 31, 2021
TOOLS: None GLASS: Highball INGREDIENTS: 4,5cl Beet Brh*m, 1,5cl jamaican rhum, 2cl verjus or lemon juice, top off with Ginger Beer. INSTRUCTIONS: Serve all ingredients straight into the glass over ice cubes. COCKTAIL BY: SEMSOM.
par chapeladmin | Mai 27, 2021
TOOLS: Shaker, Strainer GLASS: Margarita Glass INGREDIENTS: 4cl Beet Brh*m, 2.5cl Triple Sec, 3cl Lime Juice, 1.5cl Sirop d’Orgat. INSTRUCTIONS: Shake all ingredients and double strain. Serve with Orange Peel. COCKTAIL BY: LA LUCK...